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It is with extra awesomeness that I announce I am keeping the ride on Daphne Soares OTTB Anakin (the artist formerly known as ‘Squish’) through the fall season. This horse is a ‘horse of a lifetime’ horse. I am so excited and hopeful for the months to come. And so humbled by my friend Daphne’s unquestionable faith and support. Ani piloted me around my first prelim at Rocking Horse this spring and we tackled the Fork as our second, which has left us both feeling confident for the season ahead.

My hopes with him is to run Prelim for now and hopefully move up to intermediate this fall. Who knows how far we will go, but the priority will be in the experience this horse can give me and his safety and soundness. I have never ridden a horse like this – the true definition of a genuine XC machine.

I just got back pictures from the Fork and my face in every picture is so concentrated and distorted…while anakin remains the same happy, ears pricked, forward thinking pony at every clip. 2017 is going to be awesome.

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