Anakin at Millbrook photo by: SWITA Photography

 Hi Friends!!
This month I finally incorporated Rogue Won Syndicate LLC  which will be the syndicate that hopefully takes me to my first advanced aboard Anakin!

Anakin is a special horse, and I am excited to pilot him around the biggest tracks I have ever seen. This season has been amazing for me, and I believe it will only get better.

Even though we are both learning together, he feels more like an old pro teaching me the ropes. At Bromont, my first CCI*,  this horse never wavered finishing with a few seconds of time  and one unlucky rail, both my doing! After a well deserved break, we headed up to NY where Ani finished at Millbrook in the OP with an improved dressage score complete with 2 scores of 8! (33) in the pouring rain – we went slow because of the rain and this being the first outing since Bromont, so finished out of the ribbons – but the horse continues to amaze me. This past weekend we went to Seneca and my goal was to go fast and try some tougher lines and make bolder decisions and he did not disappoint me. For sure he was the most rideable to date, even in mud and rain and I feel confident he is ready to move up to Intermediate at our next outing.  This horse is an amazing xc horse and great show jumper. He is gonna be a contender!

I am looking for a team of people to join us in our journey. I am hoping to make this syndicate flexible and affordable so that anyone and everyone can join. My career has been grassroots and bootstraps from the beginning, and I want to keep it that way! I am introducing the “Mini Share” which is nominal and will allow more people to be involved.
My structure is going to be :
Syndicate of 35,000, 7 Full Shares in total running on a budget of $30,000
Full Share @ 5,000 buy in/ $4285 annual maintenance tax deductible ($357 monthly)
Half Share @ 2,500 buy in/ $2142.50 annual maintenance tax deductible
Mini Share @ 1,000 buy in/ $857 annual maintenance tax deductible


I would love to get a big group of people behind this horse this fall so by the time the spring rolls around  – we will have our own tailgate at the international event at the end of the season!
Please spread the word to anyone you think may be interested. I have a couple of awesome people coming on board, but there is always room for more awesomeness. Thank you again for your interest and support, even though we are a little “rogue”. 😉
Meg 240-577-9102